Singing Guide: The Thomas Crown Affair

Singing Guide: The Thomas Crown Affair

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Thomas Crown is an art thief, played by Pierce Brosnan in the 1999 remake of "The Thomas Crown Affair" (the original was released in 1968). Crown is a stylish and sophisticated character, and his voice reflects those qualities. In this article, we will explore how to learn singing like Pierce Brosnan's portrayal of Thomas Crown.

The first thing to note is that Brosnan's singing in the movie is limited to a few short scenes. However, his rendition of "Windmills of Your Mind" is noteworthy for its smooth and understated delivery. To emulate Brosnan's singing voice, it's important to focus on breath control and phrasing.

To achieve good breath control, Singing Carrots' resources "Breathing basics" and "Breath support" are particularly useful. Crown's speaking voice is calm and measured, so practicing breathing exercises can help to achieve that same sense of control when singing. The "Farinelli Breathing" video offers a great exercise to get started.

Phrasing is also important to capture the smooth delivery of "Windmills of Your Mind." Singing Carrots' resources "How to learn a song effectively" and "Articulation" are good places to start. Additionally, the "Finger Bite" video is a great exercise to help with articulation.

Thomas Crown is always in control, so it's important to maintain good posture when singing. Singing Carrots' resource "How posture affects your singing" is a great guide to getting this right. Proper posture ensures that you breathe well and fully, which can lead to better singing.

In terms of vocal range, Crown's voice is not particularly high or low. Singing Carrots' "Vocal range test" can help to determine your own range, so that you can find songs which suit your voice.

Finally, Singing Carrots' "Educational singing course" covers singing theory and practical tips, so it's a great resource for anyone looking to improve their singing. With the right resources and practice, you too can learn to sing like Thomas Crown, or at the very least, like Pierce Brosnan in "The Thomas Crown Affair."

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.